27 March 2020
Good afternoon,
As we reach the end of this strange week our thoughts are with those who are unwell, those who are worried about elderly or disabled relatives and those who have lost jobs or means of income. It is a very difficult time for many.
At school we are concerned to balance our provision of work for students with our desire not to cause additional stress and anxiety for parents or young people. We have tried to give plenty of work so that our students have lots to do, but we know that this is causing some anxiety amongst our many conscientious students. I will say clearly, therefore, please prioritise your health and wellbeing over your school work. Work a normal school day, or a bit less, and make time for other activities that help you to relax. Make time for others in your family. Parents/carers, please don't feel that you have to teach your children - that is our job - please look after their wellbeing first. We are providing lots of work and learning materials so that they always have something to do! Many of you will have had a phonecall from one of us over the last few days and we will continue to contact families to offer help and support as this unusual situation continues.
A few practical things to end the week:
- The use of Office 365 has been amazing! Some people are still having a few issues so we have put the guide on the website here.
- Edge Hill University have published lots of Links to Learning covering both primary and secondary - they say that "Our aim here is to become a hub of resources for schools, families and communities to support their interests and learning over the coming weeks and months" - well worth a look
- Please talk to your young person about the use of "Reply All" when replying to emails - some students are getting over 100 emails because other students are pressing "Reply All" rather than just "Reply" when responding to an email. They forget that teachers send emails to a whole class, not just to them! Basic rule - DON'T USE "Reply All"
- Resources and tips for young people with autism and their families: https://www.autism.org.uk/services/helplines/coronavirus.aspx
- The National Theatre is offering free streaming on Thursday nights. So we missed one last night... sounds great for drama students.. https://www.timeout.com/london/news/the-national-theatre-is-going-to-stream-a-free-play-every-thursday-night-032620
- Animal Cams: Amongst lots of other zoos Chester Zoo have a free live cam from 10.00 am to watch the animals https://www.chesterzoo.org/schools/resources/. There are lots more like this at this link.
Have as good a weekend as you can in the circumstances and stay safe. We will be back in touch on Monday. Parents/carers of any students who are planning to access supervision on site on Monday, please make sure that we have your keyworker identification and your shift patterns. We all need to stay at home and stay safe to avoid spreading the virus and putting pressure on the NHS.
Best wishes to you and all those you care for.
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates