22 March 2020

IMPORTANT: Access to school on Monday

We expect very few students in school tomorrow.

In summary, 

  • Following Department for Education instructions we are open for vulnerable students and those of workers in critical sectors of the economy if they cannot be safe at home;
  • Parents/carers must have notified us on Friday if their child is coming in on Monday so we could make appropriate plans for staffing and facilities;
  • We will be following strict social distancing provisions - this means that no students or staff must come within 2 metres of each other at any time - this has significant implications for the way in which we behave in school and the provision that we can make
  • Students must be able to work independently and maintain the 2 metre distance at all times including breaks and lunchtimes.  If they cannot do so then we will swiftly ask for parents/carers to collect them as they are putting others at risk.

No other students are allowed on or around site.  We care about them very much and will be setting work and contacting them by email, but they must not come near school.  If there are persistent issues they will rapidly become a police matter under the current circumstances.

I understand that this sounds strict - it is and it needs to be.  The safety of students and staff is our top priority.  We expect very few students in on Monday as the Department for Education is very clear that they expect almost all students to be at home, and this will certainly be true of the vast majority of secondary age students.  The social distancing rules mean that life in school will be very quiet and strict - we will always be friendly and calm, but we have strict rules to enforce for the sake of those in our care.  The best way of thinking about it is that we will be supervising quiet independent work and allowing some quiet breaks.

If you are sending your child into school tomorrow, and have notified us on Friday, please talk to them carefully about what to expect. We will speak to them first thing tomorrow morning.

The bus route for the 500 Special Bus Service from Blackburn is on the website here - please note that only one bus from Blackburn will run so please note the times of pickup carefully.  The Preston bus will follow the normal route.

Teachers will be emailing out work each day for every student and we will be making provision for those who do not have computer access at home.

Best wishes to everyone at this difficult time.


James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates