27 October 2019
A number of things to mention this week, in no particular order!
Year 10 work experience: Please would parents/carers of Year 10 students note that it is very important that the work experience placement forms must be handed in to Mrs Wall by Monday 2nd December.
Year 11 mock interviews: At our next enrichment day on Tuesday 3rd December every Year 11 student has a mock interview. This is an extremely valuable experience for them, but it relies on having a large number of adults to carry out the interviews. If any parent or carer is able to offer a couple of hours assistance on that morning and feel able to carry out an interview then we would be extremely grateful. For further information, or to volunteer, please contact Mrs Wall at school.
Curriculum maps: We are now publishing "curriculum maps" so that you can see what your son or daughter will be learning as they go through their time at Walton-le-Dale as well as overviews of the subjects that they take. Have a look on the website here.
Dropping off and picking up students: We have a large number of students who arrive by car. For safety reasons, unless a student has a medical condition or injury which means that they cannot walk from the gate, please do not drive onto school premises at the start of the day to drop them off. Likewise, at the end of the day please park further away and encourage your son or daughter to walk to your car. Please, in any case, do not park on Sollam's Close (immediately next to the school entrance). Many thanks for your support.
Year 11 mock examinations are 4 weeks away - the timetables were emailed out this week and I wrote an update about the mocks last week - please take a moment to read it if you didn't get a chance last week
Our Career of the Week is "Vlogger" - have a look at the complete collection on the website. Each week we publish a "form powerpoint" which gives thoughts for the week as well as essential information about the day to day operation of the school - have a look at them on the website here.
Have a good week....
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates