22 September 2019

Image of 23rd September 2019

23rd SEPTEMBER 2019                              WoW: Imaginative


Communication Focuses




  • Reading widely
  • Reading for pleasure
  • Spelling of subject-specific vocabulary
  • Use of WAGOLLs to model/scaffold (visualisers, mini-whiteboards)
  • Purposeful and structured communication with others


Teaching and Learning Priorities

Climate for learning students will be enthused by their learning and will be focused, absorbed and attentive (DMC).

Vocabulary the words that we use and expect the students to be able to use in context, to succeed in their lives beyond Walton le Dale High School (ACH).

Purposeful Interactions by all if students are communicating, it must be purposeful allow their needs to be met.  Interactions should enhance the learning of ALL students at ALL times (CRO).


This Week:

  • The thought for the week this week is ‘Euroean Day of Languages’.  Assemblies will be led by HRO and I4.
  • Basics, Basics, Basics – thanks for your commitment to this.  It has been noticed in classrooms around school. 
  • Brilliant Teaching and Learning – WLD: let’s think about what we do in the classroom!
  • NQTs – Meetings will continue this week: JMJ – Tuesday period 3; RHU – Tuesday period 4; both in RLO’s office (JMJ – observation Fri 3).
  • New Staff (incl. JGA) and NQTs – induction CPD Thursday 26th September in conference room: PHO to discuss the pastoral system
  • Are you a ‘nudger’ or a ‘nudgee’? Thanks to those who have ‘nudged’ me over the last week.  It is great to be involved in your conversations about our craft!
  • Next week is open door week!  Get involved.  More information to follow later this week.

Reflect on Your Practice:

With the introduction of the Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework, comes a series of prompts to allow us to reflect on our own teaching and learning practice within school:






Teachers use subject expertise, knowledge and practical skills to provide learning opportunities



Teachers ensure there is an equality of opportunity for all learners to access every lesson, as building blocks to the wider curriculum


Strategies to support reading/vocabulary understanding/numeracy are in place for pupils who need it/cannot access the curriculum


The content of the lesson is suitably demanding



The lesson content is appropriate to the age group and does not lower expectations



There is a logical sequence to the lesson



Teachers provide opportunities to recall and practise previously learned skills and knowledge



Assessment provides relevant, clear and helpful information about the current skills and knowledge of learners




Teachers demonstrate good communication skills


Teachers’ use of presentation allows pupils to build knowledge and make connections


Teachers use relevant and appropriate resources during presentation to clarify meaning to pupils


Teachers possess good questioning skills


Teachers give explicit, detailed and constructive feedback in class


Teachers effectively check for understanding




Teachers create supportive classrooms focused on learning


Teachers create focused classrooms through their high expectations for pupils (Basics)


Teachers communicate clear and consistent expectations which are understood and followed (Basics)


Pupils’ behaviour contributes to the focus on learning


As part of SLT’s walks, these provide useful focuses. Many of us use presentations to provide reference points for the students and for us.  This week, your How2 nudge will be on ‘dual coding’ and how it can – should – be used in the lesson.  Does it fit with how you present learning to the students?  Could you make your presentations clearer/more accessible to all?



Top Tip Schedule

Subject Heads, please ensure that someone from your department is ready to share a ‘Top Tip’ on the designated date. 

  • This week's is Art (Friday)
  • Next Wednesday is Pastries and Progress - duties are covered by SLT so that all staff can attend briefing.


CPD Cascade

Reminder: Study Groups

You should have received an email last week about the organisation of Study Groups for this year.  Please make sure that you read it as it has implications for your performance management targets.


Your ‘nudge’ for this week is at the following link or in your inbox.




Posted by Rachel Long

Category: Teaching and Learning Digests

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