30 September 2018
The death of Tim Hindle has been affecting us this week, as you would expect. His memorial service on Saturday was well attended by staff and students and we raised a lot of money in his memory at the Macmillan Coffee morning on Friday - it was busy as you can see from the photo above. We are planning a mural in D Block in his memory, as well as planting trees in the garden at the front of school. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with his family.
Awards Evening on Wednesday and Sports Day on Friday (for Years 8 to 11) have been really positive events this week. Celebrating student achievements is always a pleasure. It always gives me hope for the future and reminds me of why I am involved in education. The musical performances at the Awards Evening were exceptional. We struck lucky (at the 3rd time of asking!) with the weather for Sports Day - Friday was beautiful all day and the atmosphere was great with students outside competing and spectating all day. The results are at https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/news/2018-09-30-sports-day-section-results-2018. Well done to Yellow Section! Thanks to Year 11 for persuading us to postpone rather than cancel the day - it was well worth doing.
Mr Morris, Headteacher at Broughton High School, has been in school on Thursday last week, and returns on Friday this week. He is giving us advice on how to further improve our provision, particularly for disadvantaged students. We can always learn from others - that is how we improve - both as individuals and as a school community.
This week brings the GCSE information evening on Wednesday - it is in 2 parts: the first part is for parents and carers of Year 10 and 11 students and looks at the best ways in which to help them succeed in Maths and English. The second part is for Year 10 parents and carers only and looks at GCSEs overall as well as the arrangements for work experience. The letters are on the website https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/parents/recent-letters - please try and attend if you are able - they will be invaluable sessions.
Please keep an eye on the school calendar for upcoming events affecting your child https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/calendar - you can subscribe to it to receive automatic updates. Year 7 parents and carers have the settling in evening a week on Wednesday, for example.
We are a thoughtful and hard-working team at Walton-le-Dale - many of us are attending a voluntary session on Monday evening related to attachment issues in children and young people as we consider that they can have major impacts on their learning. Our weekly Teaching and Learning Digests give you a flavour of the discussions that go on in school on a daily basis in order to continue to improve the quality of what we do - you will find them on the website at https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/curriculum/teaching-and-learning-digests
As always, should you have any issues, concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Have a good week.
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates