9 September 2018

No sooner does term start than a number of important events are upon us!

Firstly, it is Year 11 Mentoring Evening on Wednesday, starting at 3.30pm and running until 6.30pm.  Each Year 11 has a personal mentor and Wednesday is the time when parents/carers meet with the mentor, along with the student, look at the current position and set targets for the coming weeks.  This establishes a line of communication that is vital throughout the year - we know that those students who engage with us and with the help that we give are those who do best at the end of the year.

Secondly, it is our Open Evening on Monday 17th September.  School closes early (12.20pm) to allow for preparation - the letter is on the website at https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/parents/recent-letters.  I hope that you have seen some of the advertising on local buses and in our community - please help to spread the word to anyone with children in Year 6 (or Year 5 who might want an early look around).  We are then very busy showing individual families around the school over the next few months!

A couple of reminders

Parking:  Please respect the parking restrictions at the front of school - particularly the "zig-zags" on our side of the road and the "double yellows" around the entrance to the industrial estate opposite - the wagons can't get in or out if the entrance is obstructed.  Parking further down Brindle Road and asking your son or daughter to walk a few yards to find you really helps us.  Many thanks.

Driving on school site:  Unless your son or daughter has a particular special need or injury, please do not drive onto site to drop them off in the morning.  Please drop them outside school, or further down the road, and ask them to walk in.  Many thanks.

Uniform:  This should be all sorted by now, but if there are particular reasons or issues, please contact Mrs Laverty, Deputy Headteacher, at school.

Communications:  Following us on Twitter @WLDHighSchool is a good way of keeping up-to-date with updates.  The SchoolComms "School Gateway" (https://login.schoolgateway.com/0/auth/register) is a good way of getting the messages and information from school in one place.

We have had a great start to the year - thank you for all your support....

Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates